LAVE SOFT - Liquid detergent for delicates - 1L

LAVE SOFT - Liquid detergent for delicates - 1L


Liquid detergent for delicates

  • Wash delicate clothes
  • Removes cold stains
  • Retains the original colors of fabrics
  • pleasant perfume
  • Suitable for hand or machine washing
  • Economic
  • pleasant floral scent


LAVE SOFT is recommended for use in washing in all types of washing machines, in third-class homes. age, schools, sports departments, hotels, hospitals, clinics, industrial laundries, etc. Given its versatility, it can also be used on all plastic, rubber, painted or varnished wood, formica, metal or water-resistant fabrics, on cotton, wool, synthetic carpets and rugs, etc. manually to remove stains.

* cost to landline call